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Building the application

Clone/Fork repository

First fork or clone this repo:

e.g. git clone

Build images and run containers with docker-compose

Install Docker Desktop.

After cloning the repository go inside the project folder:

cd smart_traffic_analysis

Run docker-compose up which will start a Flask web application for the backend API (default port 8081) and an Angular frontend served through a webpack development web server (default port 4200). Few things to keep in mind: 1. If you want to run docker-compose in background use -b flag. 2. If your one part crashes like if backend crashes, then you can simply fix the issue and run docker-compose restart backend in a different terminal to get that part running. Similar if frontend crashes, just run docker-compose restart frontend.

Access your app

In your browser navigate to: http://localhost:4200 (or whatever port you defined for the frontend in docker-compose.yml).

For testing your backend API I recommend using Postman or Curl, but you can also go to http://localhost:8081/api ( if you are just testing simple GET requests ).

Working without docker

I highly recommend the use of docker and docker-compose as it is far simpler to get started. The great thing about docker is you can run one command docker-compose up on any operating system & environment and your application will be up and running! But still if you want to work without docker, you can go through following steps:

Backend development

Navigate inside the backend directory: cd backend

Install pip dependencies: pip3 install -r requirements.txt

Run python3 in backend root (will watch files and restart server on port 8081 on change).

Frontend development

Navigate inside the frontend directory: cd frontend

Assure you have Nodejs installed.

Run following commands:

  1. rm -rf node_modules dist tmp
  2. npm install --save-dev angular-cli@latest
  3. npm install
  4. npm init

Run ng serve --host --disableHostCheck --proxy-config proxy.conf.json in frontend root (will watch files and restart dev-server on port 4200 on change). All calls made to /api will be proxied to backend server (default port for backend 8081), this can be changed in proxy.conf.json.

Documentation development

Run following commands in root directory of project:

  1. pip3 install mkdocs mkdocs-material
  2. mkdocs serve

Documentation will be hosted locally at Host can be changed in mkdocs.yml. Documentation is also publicly hosted at

If you make any changes in documentation, test it with mkdocs serve then

  1. Push changes to remote repository
  2. Run mkdocs gh-deploy to deploy changes to publicly hosted documentation

Things to keep in mind

  1. You can change port numbers in docker-compose.yml, but if you change backend port number, keep in mind to change it in frontend/ also.
  2. If you add new requirements, rerun the command docker-compose up.
  3. Each api route in backend should have base /api/, so create apis in the format, /api/yourroute/.
  4. For any new feature, create a new branch & PR before merging it into master.