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Backend Server


Flask is used as the backend server for creating APIs and processing videos on backend.


  1. /api :

    • Type : GET, POST
    • Input : None
    • Purpose : Render flask home
    • Output : Flask home HTML
  2. /api/postvideo :

    • Type : POST
    • Input : Video File
    • Purpose : To save video file recieved from front end
    • Output : Success/Error Status
  3. /api/getframe/filename :

    • Type : GET
    • Input : Video file name
    • Purpose : To send frame of video to frontend
    • Output : Frame of vide
  4. /api/postparameters :

    • Type : POST
    • Input : Parameters corresponding to different violation principles
    • Purpose : To send parameters to backend which will be used in processing
    • Output : Success/Error Status
  5. /api/imageslist/feature :

    • Type : GET
    • Input : Featue Type
    • Purpose : Depending on feature selected, return list of images corresponding to that feature
    • Output : List of images which can later be retrieved by frontend
  6. /api/getimage :

    • Type : Get
    • Input : None
    • Purpose : Return a sample iamge
    • Output : Sample Image
  7. /api/getvideo/feature :

    • Type : GET
    • Input : Feature Type
    • Purpose : Get partial response of video in chunks
    • Output : Partial Response


  1. cleanMedia() :

    • Input : None
    • Purpose : To clean all the media files from previous processing
    • Output : None
  2. createDirectories() :

    • Input : None
    • Purpose : To create feature directories for runtime purposes
    • Output : None


  1. video_stream

    • In house implemented video streaming server.
    • Instead of returning entire video at once, it is returned in chunks which are rendered on browser
  2. cv2:

    • Opencv helps in retrieving frame from a video which user can draw on